¿Sabía que los frijoles son carbohidratos? ¡También las frutas! Aquí le explicamos los diferentes tipos de carbohidratos y como los digiere su cuerpo. Carbohidratos, ¡Son Complejos! (Carbohydrates, They're Complex!)GraceAguirre
Should you follow the Atkins Diet and embrace its low-carb lifestyle? Let's look at some facts before we decide!Atkins Diet: Should You Do It?YiwenLu
Did you know that beans are carbohydrates? So are fruits! Here's a breakdown of different types of carbs and how your body digests them!Carbohydrates, They're Complex!GraceAguirre
If you have diabetes, holidays can be tricky. Check out these simple holiday appetizer recipes to stabilize your blood sugar!Diabetes-Friendly Holiday AppetizersBrookeMarsal
Carbohydrates provide us with energy, but depending on their structure, can be quite damaging to our blood glucose. Learn about simple carbs!All About Simple CarbohydratesGraceAguirre
Efectos de carbohidratos diferentes sobre la glucosa en sangre (Different Carbohydrates and Their Effects on Blood Glucose)NinaGhamrawi
You may be told by your healthcare provider to calculate "Net Carbs" for carbohydrates counting. Learn more about what "Net Carbs" are!Reading the Label: What Are “Net Carbs”NinaGhamrawi
Some carbs convert to glucose in 30 minutes after eating. Others take 2-3 hours. Learn which carbs make sugars rise slow and steady.Nutrition Label Reading: Check your Carbohydrates for QualityNinaGhamrawi